Teacher delivers a lesson
Students and staff at Ukombozi and Nyankumbu primary schools in Geita Urban risk contracting infectious diseases due to lack of latrines
The situation goes against the grain of the 2010 Education Policy that underscores the need for conducive teaching-learning environment. The two schools which share a location comprise over 4,000 pupils with only 14 latrines and 16 classrooms.

On average, one latrines is shared by close to 300 pupils whereas a single classroom is being used by more than 250 pupils. Speaking withThe Citizen yesterday, the head teachers, Mr Richard Rwengusi and Maxmilian Amosi, said the situation was most challenging.

“Ukombozi alone has 1,792 pupils who share 176 desks, compelling a significant number of them to attend lessons while sitting on the floor,” said Ukombozi Primary School head teacher, Mr Rwengusi.
“Pupils’ as well as teachers’ health here is at stake since the latrines are few, dilapidated and some of them are overflowing,” said Mr Maximilian, the Nyankumbu Primary School head teacher. Some pupils  are forced to follow lessons through the windows of their fully packed classrooms.

“The rooms are small, full of dust and poorly ventilated, a situation that causes most of us to cough every day,” said a Standard Four pupil at Ukombozi, Vumilia Maliyana.  She also said due to overpopulation, they were unable to effectively follow lessons, noting that they often left for home without having learned anything from their teachers. 
Another student, Neema John who sat outside the classroom as classes went on said: “I cannot hear clearly what the teacher is is instructing us there.”

Some teachers who spoke with this paper said it was not easy for anyone to teach a class of more than 300 students. “Students have occupied all spaces here and yet others are outside as you (reporter) can see, you can’t even move and if you want to write on the board you need to send out the pupil sitting near the board,” said Ms Suzana Anthony  who was teaching Standard Four pupils.

A school committee leader, Mr Jonh Lunyumba said; “these problems have lasted for so long and despite reporting to the town director, district educational officer as well as district’s health officers no steps have been taken to arrest the situation.”
When contacted for response, Geita Town Council director, Ms Magreth Nakainga acknowledged the problems but said their true will to rectify the poor state of the schools was constrained by lack of funds.

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