Tanzania government has released a circular detailing how the new free education policy will be implemented starting January next year.

Government Circular Number 5 of 2015 is part of implementation of the Education and Training Policy 2014 -- as well as implementation of the promise by President John Magufuli to provide free education to all Tanzanian children from primary to secondary level.

Signed by Tanzania Commissioner of Education, Professor Eustella Bhalalusesa, the directive revokes all other previous circulars that were providing for various contributions that were being made by parents and guardians in public schools.

“Provision of free education means pupils or students will not pay any fee or other contributions that were being provided by parents or guardians before the release of new circular,’’ reads the circular in part. Before the release of a new circular, secondary school students studying in day schools were paying 20,000/- fee while those in boarding schools were paying 40,000/-.

The schools, according to the circular, will continue with their current arrangements until another circular is released. The new system, expected to be a relief to millions of parents and guardians across the country, is a result of the campaign pledges made by Dr Magufuli in the just-concluded general election. The Head of State affirmed that Education would be free from Standard One to Form Four.

Dr Magufuli reiterated his intention for free education when inaugurating parliament last month. “And when I say free education, I indeed mean free,” he vowed, saying effective next year, education will be free with no any contribution in whatever name and form.

Beginning next year, free education will have an impact on the quality of education, according to the circular which directs responsible institutions under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to plan for the best education that will foster national development.

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