Dar es Salaam. Tanzania President John Magufuli announced his cabinet of only 18 ministries led by 19 ministers and 15 deputies.

However, the President has not named four ministers yet to lead ministries of Finance, Education, Natural Resources and Tourism and Works. Dr. Magufuli appointed seven personalities who served in the previous ministerial positions, noting that there would be no directive seminars to train the new appointees.

The appointees include Mr George Simbachawene and Ms Angela Kariuki who becomes the Minister of State, President’s Office,Regional Administration, Local Government, Civil Service and Good Governance. The Deputy Minister is Luhanga Mpina.

Mr William Lukuvi minister of Lands, Human Settlement Development assisted by Angelina Mabula.

Ms Jenista Mhagama minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Employment and the Disabled with two deputies, Posi Abdallah who is a Lecturer at University of Dodoma and Anthony Mavunde.

Mr Mwigulu Nchemba becomes the Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries who is assisted by the deputy Mr William Nashe.

Dr Harisson Mwakyembe becomes the Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs.Dr Hussein Mwinyi retained his former portfolio as the minister of Defence and National Service.

Charles Kitwanga becomes Minister of Home Affairs.
Prof Sospeter Muhongo returns to the Minister of Energy and Minerals.
Charles Mwijage becomes the Minister for Trade and Industries.

Ummy Mwalimu the Minister for Health, Community Development and Social Welfare. She will be assisted by Dr Hamis Kigwangala.
Dr Augustino Mahiga, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation. Deputy Minister is to be assisted by Dr Suzan Kolimba.

Nape Nnauye becomes the Minister of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports. Deputy Minister is Anastazia Wambura.
Makame Mbarawa becomes the Minister for Water and Irrigation.
Eng Stella Manyana becomes the Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Vocational Training.

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