Tanzania believes that, no development goal can be achieved
without appropriate energy input; and that energy is a major culprit in global
warming. Therefore, sustainable development needs energy services that meet
principles of sustainable development. Thus SE4ALL initiative is a necessary
tool to accelerate mobilization of the needed investments into the required
energy mix to meet National Development Goals and a platform for sharing
experiences on the best practices in achieving SE4ALL by 2030.
Habari Duniani
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania launches Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) today at Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre. Tanzania adopted the SE4ALL initiative in 2012 and started rapid assessment
which resulted into the Gap Analysis Report in May 2013. This was followed
by the assistance from SE4ALL African Hub to facilitate preparation of the
draft Country Action Agenda (AA) under support from AfDB and UNDP.